October Revolution........ A little too late perhaps!
The "holier than thou" attitude of democracy is absolutely unpardonable. Winston Churchill once said " Democracy is not the best form of government but I will stick by it until I find a better form" and this attitude clearly represents the pomp with which democratic countries conduct themselves.
Was reading this article in the New Yorker about Noah Webster. Apparently inspite of his reputation as a highly educated man, Noah Webster strongly opposed granting voting rights to everybody. He seemed to think that only selected members of society should be granted the right to vote. Granting the right to everybody would mean demeaning the right itself
Ridiculous as it might sound, I mildly agree. The right to vote is just one of many others. If there is any argument to support the fact that everybody has equal voting rights, that argument can be further extended to justify equal property for everybody which is the thesis of communism. So we have reached a contradiction, or have we?
What we have is an exposure of the fallacy of giving equal voting rights to everybody. Let me explain. Consider the capitalist mindset that you dont share your riches with anybody and what you earn is just yours because YOU worked hard for it. Now draw a parallel with a plutarchy or aristocracy where only nobles or wise men or rich people have the right to vote. One can always argue that these people EARNED the right to vote and the others have not. So we have justified an aristocracy! What is so sacred about the right to vote that it is the only thing we want to equate across the board. It doesn't matter if you are poor or dont have an education, but you have the right to vote. That is a sorry attitude.
Frankly, I feel communism is the only political theory which can really be justified. It uses the simple logic that we are all born equal and all the resources we have should be equally shared. But the tragedy is that it doesn't work in practice. And I attribute that to two reasons
1) The whole problem of solving the problems of people is intractable. What I mean is that.......... the typical way to do it is to have representatives but that is a contradiction which plagues both democracy and communism. The very fact that some person is a representative places him at a different stratum from the others and defeats the original axiom that all humans are equal. So democracy is out. In communism, by giving absolute powers to a group of people, you could have disastrous consequences like dictatorship.
2) Human history has been plagued (yeah, I dare to use that word!) by a sort of capitalist mindset from the beginning of Time. The only way we can undo the damage is by starting afresh, which we cant. What i mean is the following. Lets say we declare a communist world from this moment onwards. The guys who are below the average are going to be happy and the guys above the average are going to hate it. And the reason why we can never shift to communism is because the guys who are above the average are the guys who hold sway in the capitalist world
A lot of people say that communism will not work because there is no incentive for people to excel, because they are going to share the fruits of their labour anyway. Firstly I think thats one of the most selfish statements to make. That statement destroys in one stroke the rhetoric about "one world one people". Secondly, I admit that the industrially lethargic attitude is inevitable as you could see in communist russia. But I would attribute that to the fact that we have been so accustomed to the capitalist philosophy that it will always prevent us from understanding the beauty of communism. For example, if I am a successful industrialist and you declare the world communist ( ?!?!?! like you could...... but anyway!!), then I'll have to share my money with the smallest worker in my company. Of course I would be unhappy....... not because I dont have enough for myself but because I remember those capitalist days and think about how much more I could be earning.
How I wish we could erase all memory and start afresh in a communist world. Then you can remove one word from the dictionary................. GREED!